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To support these philanthropies, Phi Sigma Rho at the University of Dayton works with local Girl Scouts troops and does various events to raise money for the American Cancer Society. In addition to the annual events listed below, the Gamma chapter helps out at local Girl Scout meetings and events, participates in card-making for local hospitals for cancer patients, as well as many other philanthropic activities. 


In addition to supporting the Girl Scouts and the American Cancer Society, our sisters volunteer throughout both the University of Dayton and the greater Dayton communities through various opportunities. Examples include participating in campus Greensweeps, working with animals at the Humane Society, and helping with caramel candy wrapping at the local South Park United Methodist Church. 


For more information on the Phi Sigma Rho Foundation, please visit the Contact page.

Looking for more information on Service Events with Phi Sigma Rho?


Please contact our current Service Chair for more information at:






For more information on our National Philanthropies, click on the logos below:

National Philanthropies: 

  • Scouting for Girls


  • Leukemia & Lymphoma Education and Awareness


  • The Phi Sigma Rho Foundation

Hopewalk: Phi Sigma Rho's Annual 5K

Every Fall, the Gamma chapter of Phi Sigma Rho hosts a 5K to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Local businesses help sponsor the event so that all registration fees go directly to the American Cancer Society. The route goes through the University of Dayton's campus, with sisters cheering the runners on and directing them along the race path.

GET SET: Girls Expoloring Today's Science and Engineering Technologies

Every March, the Gamma chapter of Phi Sigma Rho hosts a badge day event for local Girl Scouts troops, called "GET SET." During this event, the sisters work to get local Juniors and Cadettes interested in STEM fields by having them do fun and interactive engineering-related activities. 

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